- First love is always special, sometimes sad. Now for your RPG character
Your first love is always special, at least in stories. What about your player character?
Here is twelve sad love stories (easily randomized with a d12) for your next character:
- Your first love betrayed you for your best friend
- Your first love was killed in a fire set by a marauding dragon
- Your first love was kidnapped by vicious evil humanoids
- Your first love was kidnapped by vicious evil humanoids and now blames you for what happened.
- Your first love was seduced by an evil wizard/cleric
- Your first love was seduced by an evil wizard/cleric and was later sacrificed to the wizard/cleric's demonic patron
- Your first love was sold into slavery in a far away land
- Your first love sold you into slavery in a far away land
- Your first love was killed in an arcane experiment
- Your first love ate magical mushrooms and was turned into a toad.
- Your first love turned to evil and now torments you.
- Your first love turned to evil and you killed him/her
I remember back how, when i was 13-14 years old, every time one of the PC's got romantically involved with a girl (we were only straight guys playing at the time) in the game i would always, being the GM, make sure that their romantic interest was killed, maimed, kidnapped or mutilated in some horrible way.
It happened repeatedly. My players used to joke about it.
Maybe it was some wierd teen-angsty macho thing i played out. Who knows. I think i'm rather well-adjusted now. I think i was just into sad love stories.
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