The planet of Carolac hangs deep in the void of space. It is surrounded by a nimbus of cold light. Some say it is divine, but most philosophers are in doubt.
The world of Carolac is caught in the grim of struggle of Law and Chaos. On each side there are powerful factions.
Aklamakan – the Forbidden City
The forbidden City of Aklamakan was home to last school of necromancy and still the dead may walk in this city. In the past it was run by the brotherhood of the powerful necromancer Chi’ing until the armies of the Theocracy destroyed the brotherhood._1943.3.1262_cropped_resized.png)
The mercenary bands
The mercenary bands consist mostly of the remnants of lost armies crushed by the Court of the Sun God. Most of their leaders are favorable to Chaos.Many of the bands have disbanded in later years, and there are now only three banners that still fly with any pride.
The Northern Earls
The Northern Earls are declining in power and influence. Their raiding ships and their dwarfbuilt submersibles are no longer a threat as most coastal settlements have built strong fortifications against the sea. The Earls of the north’s growing wealth also led to jealousy and infighting.Typical Northern Earl
In twelve years, thirteen Kings of the North have been slain by rival Earls. So, the Northern raiders remain neutral. The older earls have now become toothless fools, some younger Earls plot with other powers to regain the former glory in the face of laughter and ridicule from their elders.
Tarentus – The city of Thieves
Tarentus is flourishing as its grip on both trade and larceny strengthens their monopoly on trade. Not paying taxes to the Sun Court also helps.
The traditional arms of Tarentus
Spilling out of its original walls, order within Tarentus is only whisper thin. Might makes right in many quarters of this city, yet the most excessive transgression is shackled by a deep-seated common interest and a leeriness against the outside world.
The nominal rulers of the city, the adjudicators, keep the city neutral in outlook, but it is obvious that the city has much to fear from the armies of the Sun Court.
Suspected demonists the adjudicators probably also face dismal personal fates should Tarentus fall.
The Court of the Sun God
The Court of the Sun God is a theocratic feudal republic, built on military might and the repression of free thought. Heretics by the dozen are burned in huge ovens in the Circus of Saint Carla-Sissy. The Sun Council is allied to Law.The great church-lords of the Sun Court control large territories where both commoners and knights swear a personal fealty to them. The armies of the Court have conquered lands and quashed most of their rival sovereignties.

I am in debt to the rules and guidelines for creating your own world in Black Sword Hack - Ultimate Chaos Edition by Kobayashi. Black Sword is an awesome game, it has awesome art and you should check it out.