G'ldalings were first created by me for the #2017BÅTSJ competition on the Norwegian rollespill.info Facebook group. I repost them here for the enjoyment of whom it may concern. There is also a rollespill.info website. Both FB group and website are (mainly) in Norwegian.
G'ldings are an ancient race. They arrived on Earth aeons ago, lay dormant beneath the clay of the Trøndelag region, watching and waiting for humanity, a breed always in turmoil and fueled by desire, to reveal a way to destroy their world letting the aliens harvest the energy of all living things as they expire.
To accomplish their mission they eventually took the form of automobile, especially ones of the Volvo 240 make and model. The combustion engines of these perversely majestic mastodont's were perfect to enhance humanity self-destructive purpose by pumping noxious gases into their own atmosphere. The effects of the poison rendering the world in chaos, an exhilarating prospect to the alien minds encased in the metallic husks.
Working their psionic powers through intense electronic music the G'ldalings also created human followers. The Knights of Volvo, shotgun toting and moonshine swilling men and women, patrolling the highways and byways of middle Norway fueled by psychotropic mushrooms and an incoherent but strict code of honor. These knights, unaware of the aliens true purpose, remain staunch protectors against the entropic forces of the bloodthirsty Norwegian troll population. Doing good in their mind, yet in reality serving the ultimate evil.
The G'dalings are, of course, unaffected by the doings of the human minions. The aliens are content in letting humanity, by virtue of it's thanatonic desire for mobility and superiority, destroy itself. Slowly but surely.
There are three ranks among G'ldalings denoted by accouterments added to their automobile body. Lieutenant rank (9HD) G'ldalings have plush dice dangling from their rear-view mirrors. Captains (10HD) sport a gearstick topped with a human skull as a symbol of ultimate mockery towards humanity.
G'ldalings; HD 8-10; AC 3 [16]; Att: Ramming attack (4d12); SV 4; Special: Magic resistance 70%, +1 or better weapons to hit, anyone inside a G'daling listnening to its base-pounding music must make a saving throw or fall under the effects of a Charm Person spell; Move 18; AL C;